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Australian & USA crusher parts buyers visit tianli for cooperation

作者:管理员     发布于:2018-08-13    

On August 4, famous buyers from Australia and the United States of America visited Tianli to discuss the procurement of parts and inspect the 

production scale, process and capacity of the factory.

The clients target market is Australia and the United States, mainly supply crusher parts for metso, sandvik, telex and other brands."Tianli" 

brand magnet and electromagnet (iron remover equipment) is one of the important crusher parts, The curshing line(crusher and mobile crusher) 

always installate magnets, to eliminate iron contamination to prevent the down time of the crushing line.which can prompt the efficiency of 

the crushing line and extended the service life of the cruser parts and belt.Therefore, magnets have a great demand in the crusher market.

The customer's original supplier in Europe, faced with fierce market competition, plans to import some parts from Chinese manufacturer.This 

visiting focus on the factory audit,to get the information of factory size, product quality and capacity about Tianli.After factory audit, we 

further discussed the urgent equipment requirements-permanent magnet and electromagnet.Therefore, we communicated technical requirements,raw materials,delivery time ,voltage standard,and the appearance of the product.Meanwhile, customers are interested in our our new product - eddy current separator.they have the purchasing experience of the machine.after review the materials sorting experiment in the factory,They expressed the idea to cooperate with us in the ESC machine in American market.

The visiting is very pleasant, Clients are impressive about the meet.

magnet supplier 2.jpg  magnet supplier 3.jpg

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magnet supplier 6.jpg  eddy current separator supplier 1.jpg




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