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Author: Administrator     Published in: 2018-07-20    

On Aug. 23 - 24, 2017, “Tianli “ will present in the hall of the Australasian Waste & Recycling Expo 2017. The Event is hold in the Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre, 2 Clarendon Street,Southbank , Melbourne, Victoria. And our booth room is A17.

Dear friend,If you are looking for a potential good China Supplier of the magnetic equipment for your waste&recycling as well as other fields.We sincerely invite you to visit our booth to talk about the future cooperation between us.

Nowadays,Waste&Recycling are growing more popular than before , because the environment protection and sustainable development are the main theme of the world.And Tianli are proud to be able to do something for the environment career.

For Tianli, the new developed Overband magnet,Magnetic drum,Magnetic separator,and Eddy current separator are the representative of the magnetic technology and magnetic equipment widely used in the area. All these products are featured in the newly updated, good quality,beautiful appearance,low-cost maintenance,widely adaptable,and good price.

We are pleased to discuss with you about your personal requirements according your application and give the customized suggestions, our sales engineers will service to you,If you can come to there.we will give you the best discount of the products which is only can got in the exhibition.

In the exhibition ,you will also see the other famous band such as Eeiez Magnetics. 

Tianli main products in Waste&Recyling:

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